Monday, January 09, 2006

Weekend Update

Well, it was an active weekend even though I am still fighting through a stupid cold. So this week, my weekend started off on Thursday. The whole oil and gas industry just still wasnt moving fast the first week of January, so we decided it was prudent not to go to work on Friday.

Life is rough.

So... lesse... what it do what it do. Burned so many brain cells over the weekend, and these stupid meds have me both light headed and cant remember shit.

Hmmm... so Thursday I had lunch with Hottie the Pirate. Well, it was supposed to be lunch, but she has a tendancy to be extremely late getting going. So after talking about going to lunch at 10:30am, we finally managed to actually go to lunch at about......3pm! For now, its worth the wait. So we decide to go hit a local seafood place for Oysters and some sushi grade tuna. I dont know why, but I havent had oysters in my adult life (that I can remember at least) - so I'm all in. I'll try pretty much anything once.... maybe twice. So at lunch, we have a pretty interesting discussion about dating, the rules, the games, and all that crap that goes on between two people as they try to work out whether things are right or not...

I've been there, done that, married, divorced, and dated all kinds. Since I'm now in my 30's I've pretty much formulated what i would like to see out of relationship... or at least how I think the "rules of engagement" should go. From this, I have derived my "old school" methodology or the "Elementary School Principle". By this, I mean that there are no rules. Nothing else matters. And the two people only focus on the most basic facts about each other... getting down to as simple as "I like you, you like me". Bam. Thats it. If you can say that - then throw out all the other garbage and actually try to make something workout, rather than waiting 6 days to call, to schedule a date after the 4 day after that, and eventually getting around to seeing each other again.

So - keeping it simple - I explain this to Hottie the Pirate. Maybe a little more explanation than the above - but you get the drift. So her response...?

she says - "Exactly!"

Ok. This could be good. I've so far been discovering that she doesnt lie, manipulate, or twist the truth - she pretty much says it like it is. I like that. Things seem to be goign well with this one. We have lunch until about 4:30 - after which, I pretty much bail from work. I ask her what she is doing that night, and she tells me she has plans. I'm ok with that...

So later that night - I head out to the bar with friends and about 11pm, HTP calls - "you out?" My response is "of course!". So, she's coming to meet me out. So we are at one of our usual hang outs, and while we are there, this group of couples come in with the most striking woman in their group. I noticed her immediately. Hot. Damn. DAMN HOT. So they grab beers and a table, since it "looked" coupled up, I stare at the butt, and go on. However, about an hour later - here she is at the bar buying her own drinks... so I strike up a conversation with her, while trying not to drool over the most emerald green eyes I have seen in years and the most outstanding body... I digress... so it turns out, she is a Salsa instructor. she gives me her number and says I need to come in for private lessons... she is now "Spanish Salsa". My friends all say - are you gonna take lessons? Uh, HELL YEAH!

In the mean time, while we are waiting for HTP to come meet us, I figure to head over and say hi to Ghetto Booty - she's only a block away. But, she's already bailed from her bar - but the good news is that she's already at our final destination, a new little irish pub around the corner. Works for me - potential for HTP and GB to be face to face... could be good. But, the late factor from HTP has them missing each other by about 10 mins. GB had to bail to get up early, so a couple drinks with her, and a tag team at the door as she leaves and HTP walks in. I have no complaints. So HTP brings her roomie, which is a wild child unto herself. I wont get into much detail, but if there is a chrome pole around, we could be entertained for hours. Long story (getting longer) trying to get shorter... we close down the bar. All my guy friends bail... gay! Leaves me with two hot women... so we go grab breakfast at a local spot thats 24 hour.

Lemme just say that a coin operated photo booth, 2 hot women, and a little encouragement - goes a long way. I think every person in the place was looking at me like, how can I switch places with THAT guy. This was pure entertainment.... I think we were at the breakfast place until about 4am causing all kinds of rukus. We all bail... HTP and I make tenative plans for the next day (since I'm not working) - but playing it by ear since its 4am.

Stupid cold is still lingering... while it would be nice to sleep in, with two dogs on a regular schdule... it never happens. Back up around 10am... so I hit the gym with a friend and spend the rest of the day being pretty lazy. Call to HTP goes unanswered... so much for tentative plans. Since its now Friday night - the usual ritual is to head to grab dinner with the guys and head to the local pub for a few beers. Around 9pm or so, I get a call back from HTP - apparently slept all day. So things repeat... "You out?" "Of Course!" "Be there in a bit" sweet.

Although this time - be there ina bit turns into 1:45am! Bars are about to close.. i miss a bunch of her calls and actually catch up around 2:30. we cant go back to the breakfast place from the night before - at least not for a week or so - so we decide to go back to my place. HTP has her dog with her and at least that way - the dog can run around with mine and have the backyard, etc. Strangely - all my guy friends BAIL AGAIN. So its me, HTP and a different female friend. Now, I cant remember if I have mentioned this previously or not - but HTP doesnt drink much. I wasnt quite sure I believed that, especially with as much as she goes out - but I swear, I havent seen her finish more than 1 drink on any given occassion.... So we hit my house and are up until 6AM - no drinking involved whatsoever... I cant really explain how we passed the time, but there were no fantasy points involved... damn! we all basically sit around and BS'ed all night.. it was interesting - and although very late - probably the most time I have spent with her yet. No complaints....

As a result of the above - Saturday sucks. I feel like ass now. Cold has gone into overdrive. funky colored crap is coughing out of my lungs. Sucks. So, the plan? Yeah - go out again Saturday night... I rest when I'm dead. The way I feel, it could be soon... HTP had called me throughout the day, I'm pretty cool with that - we seem to be talking and seeing each other alot - I'm ok with that too.

Saturday goes without too much incident... Patriots game, bar, bar, bar... feeling like ass still, so we head to Ghetto Booty's bar (its smoke free) - at least I can breathe there. Couple beers, coupla shots later - we're out. Home by one or so... I crash. I think there is rest in my future... of course, until my phone blows up at 2am and keep getting calls through 3am. Most HTP just texting to BS with me... as always, I'm ok with that too.

Sunday. nothing but ass. Where is the oxygen mask? Holy crap, can I get a new lung? I spend 30 minutes in a steaming shower choking out the most vile crap from my lungs... yeah - you needed to know that. haha! My day is spent consoling a chick that "almost" cheated on her boyfriend, but all because of financial frustrations... I tell her my keep it simple dating theory and she might be able to work it out... dunno yet. Was supposed to play vball... but I showed up where I thought they were playing, saw White on Rice's SUV and kept rolling. HTP calls about the same time... I tell her what i just did, oh well... so we make plans for Sushi later that night.

Holy crap this is a long blog... Story ending now... She has to end up bailing on dinner because she has been looking for a new roommate and a person she was hoping to move in was going to come by and talk about it, but Sunday night was the only night - they were goign to be out of town all week... no big deal. I'm not a joy to be around anyway...

So. Its Monday... 12:30. Going to lunch with HTP and her current roomie "Pole Extravaganza". As always, no complaints about a meal with not one, but two hot women.....

I'm Ghostrider... and these are my stories.

In review: Addition of "Spanish Salsa!" and naming HTPs roomie "Pole Extravaganza"


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