Thursday, January 05, 2006


Well, considering it is actually January - can I really remember December?

Looking back on it all - I'll see what I can do.

I guess December starts off with a Bang. I live in a pretty close neighborhood and every now and then all the neighbors get together for parties and happy hours. So, at the December happy hour, a plan is set in motion by Legally Hot to throw a Christmas Cocktail party - at my house. I'm ok with that. Its been a long time coming for the grand RE-Opening of Parties at my house. So, two weeks later... it begins.

Seeing as how I like to keep you guys on your toes, I'll try to keep this more current next time. I decide to invite AS MANY as POSSIBLE from my current list to my Party. Sounds like a plan... a whole bunch of women, all in the same room, all looking at each other. It cant get much better than this - and my friends all agree. So, Legally Hot, The Transcendental, White on Rice, Holla-Tollah, The Aggie, Ghetto Booty, and Hot Mama are all invited to the party. Party goes well, we tore it up until 5am... managed not to go streaking or skinny dip in the neighbors pool this time, but we did get hammered and only one semi-cat fight, which I didnt get to see! DAMN!

So the next week, I talk to the transcendental, it turns out our families are old friends and I end up going to dinner. Excellent time - couldnt have asked for better. If you count the fantasy points - She initiated dinner, and the hugs and mugs at the end of the night. As a result, she just tops the list.

Then in the coming weeks, it seems that White on Rice was moving steadily up the ranks, to the point that I went to her formal christmas party, she went to mine... wait a minute, thats starting to sound too much like dating. *Bam* She's cut off. I know - harsh - but still.

I guess Charma is a bitch, cause the Transcendental does the same to me. *whack* I'm cut off. Although, this is just too weird - even her friends arent sure what was up with that.

Somewhere in there - I meet up with the Holla-Tollah for Monday night football. This is a pretty huge stretch for her - she doesnt watch football. She's hot and all, but I'm not seeing it... Friends are the key here, she's also a massage therapist. :)

I see Ghetto-Booty pretty regular as she bartends alot. Through out December she keeps me out until 4am too many nights to remember, and I dont rememeber all the nights. Though, on one of these occassions, I do meet up with Hottie the Pirate while out with Ghetto Booty. Strangely, I dont remember a DAMN thing from that night... not one thing. I remember the bar, and having one shot - then its the next day and I feel odd. I'm not saying one thing or the other... but with all the hot women around, I think I got the wrong drink at some point and something meant for someone else was consumed by me. Though, clutched in my hungover fist was a card with every single possible number ever for Hottie the Pirate. I guess she wanted to hear from me again D'Har. On another occassion while out with Ghetto booty we get hammered and mug down - no complaints. Oh you should see her booty.... damn!

So speeding things along - end up meeting out Hot Mama one night - she's fun, but not really my type - I'm also too preoccupied by everything else going to pay her enough attention. I get word from her friends she wants to go out again - but... I just havent.

10-42 comes into town from an overseas stint - we hang out - its all good - but not the same. She used to be my wingwoman - but things have changed I think. She's only here for Christmas and we dont get to get out much... next time. Or maybe I'll hop the pond and go see her. Could be good.

The only ones left without comment are The Aggie, who is only just going through divorce and we are long time friends - we hang out, we drink, its good - but not going anywhere further for the moment... stay tuned.

Finally - GoBigRed - what can I say about this one. We both admit there is a strange attraction, but we have never worked it out. Maybe because she lived 3 hours away (by plane). But, she's coming here in March, so if you are still reading this then, it might be good.

Christmas rolls around - I take 2 weeks off. Mainly to drink myself into oblivion with my friends and anyone else in close proximity. At this point, they are scared of me, and more scared of Ghetto Booty. It just gets ugly when the two of us are together. I actually meet up with Hottie the Pirate Christmas night for drinks - its all good.

I'm sure there was more... but your attention span in waning... lets move on to more recent.
*********Posted by Ghostrider**********


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